正拳の握り方How to hold a fist

手のひらを上に向け、親指以外の指を、指の第一関節、第二関節を手のひらに折り込みながら、最後に拳を握り。Turn the palm up, hold the other hand while folding the first and second joints of the fingers into the palm of the hand, with the fingers other than the thumb.

親指を人差し指、中指の第一関節と第二関節の間をおさえるようにしてぎゅっと拳をつくります。Make a fist with a thumb between the first and second joints of the forefinger and middle finger.

握力がない場合、ひまをみつけて、これを何度も繰り返してゆくと、拳として強く握りしめることができます。If you do not have the grip, you can find the cast and hold it as a fist by repeating it over and over again.

何十回も繰り返すと、拳を固める感覚がつきます。Repeating dozens of times gives you the feeling of stiffening your fist.

相手に当てる場所は、拳を固めたときに、中指の根元にできる固い部分。The place to hit the opponent is the hard part that can be made at the base of the middle finger when you stiffen your fist.

拳の小指の下の部分と、親指と人差し指によってできる上の部分。The lower part of the fist little finger and the upper part made by the thumb and forefinger.

それらを、相手にたたきこみます。I'll knock them on my opponent.

拳は、相手にあてる感覚よりも、ねじ込む、たたきこむ感覚で使うと、相手にダメージを与えやすいです。Fist is more likely to damage your opponent if you use it with a sense of screwing or knocking it down, rather than feeling it.

これが、拳の握り方です。This is how you hold your fist.